Our Oversight Committee
The activities and progression of the CERC program towards its ambitious objectives are overseen by a McGill Committee outlined below.
Chair of the Oversight Committee
Prof Mark Lathrop, Ph.D.
scientific director of the McGill Genome CentrE, Chair
Prof Shari Baum, Ph.D.
Vice Dean, Life Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine
Prof Philippe Gros, Ph.D.
Deputy Vice-Principal (Research and innovation)
Prof Vincent Mooser, M.D.
CERC Chair
Kristina Öhrvall
Assistant Vice-Principal, Research Development
Prof Brent Richards, M.D., Ph.D.
Head Genetic Epidemiology Lab
Prof Guy Rouleau, M.D., Ph.D.
Director Montreal Neurological Institute
Former members
prof Roderick McInnes, M.D., Ph.D.
director of the Lady Davis Institute at the Jewish General hospital
Prof Angela Campbell, LL.M.
Associate Provost
(Equity and academic policies)