Our Partners

Delivering genomic medicine solutions and demonstrating their clinical utility require a strong, dedicated, multidisciplinary approach that includes expertise in basic science, cell biology, computational biology, genetic epidemiology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, clinical medicine, as well as access to patients and to state-of-the-art sequencing and genotyping lab.

 All the ingredients are present on the McGill campus for success. Our key local partners include, among others:

In addition, collaborations are being developed with external partners in academia and industry, for sharing expertise, data, samples and reagents.

Collaborative projects are already ongoing or under construction with the following institutions:


Mitacs is a nonprofit national research organization that, in partnerships with Canadian academia, private industry and government, operates research and training programs in fields related to industrial and social innovation.


CQDM is a biopharmaceutical research consortium whose mission is to fund the development of innovative tools and technologies that will accelerate the discovery and development of safer and more effective drugs.